Nathan Smith discovers the PC

BEFORE your personal computer is turned on, it is a dead collection of sheet metal, plastic, metallic tracings, motherboard, lights, and tiny flakes of silicon. When you push the On switch, one little burst of electricity only about 3-5 volts starts a string of events magically brings life to what would otherwise remain an over sized paperweight. I figured out as Nathan Smith the ex hacker and now reformed computer technician understands that even with the spark of life in it, however the PC is still stupid at first. It has some primitive sense of self as it checks to see what parts are installed and working, like those patients who've awakened from a comma and check to make sure they have all their arms and legs and that their joints still work. But beyond taking inventory of itself, the newly awakened PC still can't do anything really useful; certainly nothing we would even remotely think as intelligent.

At best the newly awakened PC can search for intelligence-----intelligence in the form of an operating system that gives structure to the PC' primitive, amoebic existence. then comes a true education in the form of application software---programs that tell the PC how to do tasks faster and more accurately then we could. The PC becomes a student who has surpassed its teacher....ME

I have found out that the PC is the the only way to keep up with technological advancements. The more YOU learn the more features you can give to your new best friend the PC.



Yes, they are inking the current job I am doing. They are amazing to use and really better because you can go over the same stroke over and over again.

"Its Cool"

Well, So glad to be able to reach those in need of 21st Century Skills.


Back in Action Folks!

I am back!!