I Generation Core 7: COBRA!

It is here. What so many have requested! Cobra! The i Generation Core 7 is coming! Get ready for the POWER surge! Nuff Said! The team decided revisit some of the old school cartoons that the senior staff members grew up on. So we decided to go with the Cobra Commander theme. This represents the power of technology based on motive. Out motives however are far different from Cobra. We at Concrete Faith Illustrated. There is plenty of graphics and more information available at Terabyte4 

Nathan Smith is also a proud member of New Horizons Outreach Ministries. Former Youth Pastor at Refreshing Fountains Outreach Ministries. He created one the the most power youth ministries in history with mixing basketball with spending time with at risk youth and individuals. This event was commonly held at Genesis Outreach Development Center.

What is CFI?

C oncrete = To build and create dreams, visions, imaginations, and desires into the physical world. No longer just mere thoughts but solidified ideas and concepts created tangible. Low income housing repairs, construction projects, graphic technologies, and 21st Century Skills are part of the beginning to help all of God's creation.
Fueled by Innovation - Innovation drives every aspect of our Non Profit Tax Exempt Organization from 21st Century Skills and technology to home renovation and social services. We strive to give our clients the best designed and manufactured programs in the market. 

F aith = To believe in yourself to achieve anything in life. The key is to give and provide all resources. 

America made - Manufactured by hard working American citizens, volunteers, and graphic artists that come together everyday with the same goal; to create the highest  quality programs available on the planet.

I llustrated = To create a foundation that shows, appears, demonstrates, and builds success. The complete power and ability to show the world the inner drive and determination.

Built with Purpose - Fit, finish, and function are key components to every program. Each program has an individual fit, the perfect finish, and functions as planned and intended to.


Concrete Faith Illustrated Provides The Best

God fearing and God believing people united to help ALL of God's wonderful creation. Concrete Faith Illustrated  Teaching Children the POWER to live themselves no matter what. Infuses the tools to become successful citizens in society is a must. Terabyte4 delivers the message by Youth Avengers. The purpose is to reach the masses with educational resources online 


Cassandra Cain proves that anyone can do and perform a task if a mind is set to it. Even tough this is a comic character, She provides hope for inner city females to further their education and careers.

Batgirl is for all intends and purposes, superhumanly fast, strong and tough - and has borderline superhuman fighting abilities. Her movement are hard to follow with the naked eye, and she can knock out a half-dozen gunmen before they can even register that she is looking at them.

Batgirl has been known to vanish from somebody's field of vision by the time they blinked. She can easily dodge bullets at close range after they have been fired, and is significantly faster than Batman.

Analysts watching her in action could only consider that she was superhuman, with a strength about 2.6 times baseline and 4.2 times human speed. While her individual moves take place at borderline superhuman speed, it is the speed at which she chains her moves that takes place at a pace not generally thought to be possible for a human being.

At least one analyst maintained that she didn’t have powers, though – and he was right.

Cassandra is trained in the handling of every deadly weapon Cain could think of (which is pretty much everything), and Batman has trained her in less-than-lethal and blunt weaponry. She’s also a highly skilled ninja type (accomplishing incredible feats of stealth) and was intensively trained by one of the world’s very best assassins.
Batgirl can penetrate practically any security perimeter with laughable ease. A common technique is to shadow a guard at very close distance (within arms’s reach), using her incredible stealth, great speed and small size to remain undetected.
This way she can pass all doors along with the guard, and she can even use equipment they carry (such as security badges stored on their belt) without them realizing thanks to her huge Thief (Pickpocket) score.
Batgirl has a control over her own pain that matches Batman’s or Cain’s. While bullets will wound her and necessitate medical treatment, she will ignore the shock from being shot.
She can also burst open a professional-quality punching bag in a few blows or, given enough time, kick a hole through a solid stone wall. Cassandra Cain shattered 3″ of bulletproof quartz in 20 seconds via punches and kicks, and can sunder a high-quality sword with one thrust of her hand.

Batgirl knows how to break bones in a way that is practically impossible to fix, and how to painlessly paralyse people with a nerve strike (in game terms, this is a special effect of reducing them to 0 BODY).


Batgirl Black Edition Part I


Young women in our local communities do love technology and educational resources. In Benton Harbor there is a growing trend of females moving more into the way computers operate as well as cell phones. Barbara Gordon aka "Batgirl" and "Oracle" proves how some of the female demographics are considered BUT in the African American Community Cassandra Cain is the better fit. In the next article we will explore this interesting and informative topic. Concrete Faith Illustrated has created a new program to research and give our audiences a better understanding of superheroes by giving them the a "look" they can relate to. Youth Avengers is the core group in which the discusses are held and taking place online. 


Superman and Wonder Woman Black Edition

The ultimate edition of super heroes. Since this is using your imagination, I have created another hybrid of superheroes with the African American theme. As well as we all know that Superman is iconic representing the most power forces in the entire universe. However, Wonder Woman gives all females an edge in a male dominated world. In the world of imagination and creativity you can find heroes that you can relate to. 

The artwork is also an example on how we understand these characters are part of our culture. So it all depends on the exposure ONLY to white superheroes or create African American ones. Since I an African American I chose the look, feel, and culture I grew up in.


Youth Avengers: BLACK EDITION

Yes! I am back with some important updates. Some of the millennials have never seen any African American superheroes. Well, in the world of imagination any character can be any color, creed, heritage, or whatever you want the character to be. It is very interesting too. Discovering to push beyond the limitations on these heroes is a must. We all know Spiderman was in the hood. (That was a joke lol) But it is all up to how creative you are and how the character can influence your life or how you want the character to be.
 I created the Youth Avengers as African Americans in the pic. Color doesn't matter to me. White or Black the characters will always be what I want them to be. So let's be very clear. YOU have an imagination to create anything you want.


Secret Location Remains Unknown

It has been leaked that Batman's tracking device was discovered. Batman is very interested in the power of the armor suit that Ironman has. This development proves once again that Tony Stark is light years ahead of Batman for now......The warehouse supplies the armor pieces and a secret weapon that Lex Corp has been developing. It is also the location for 4.5 million dollars of crack being transported and packed for distribution in Berrien County

Introducing Tech to Teens

Introduction: New Tech World

BY: Nathan Smith

As you all know by now TERABYTE4 (Building Youth using Technology in Education) provides the resources that gives at risk youth and low income families the opportunity to become technological advanced. It is very easy to do. Concrete Faith Illustrated (CFI) has opened the door by taring down the walls of traditional and conventional methods of learning. Instead CFI is planning to use 21st Century Skills incorporated in the curriculum. The idea and concept is to build to sharpen the abilities of our participants in all areas in Corporate America. Our diverse approach focuses more on the individual experience. It is our mission to introduce the next generation to the new world of technology. The program will included multiple post across the social media giant FACEBOOK. The world of technology is waiting for creativity in all phases of graphic technologies.

Basic Understanding

Basic Understand Can Take You Anywhere

Our youth in Concrete Faith Illustrated (CFI) are teaming up online to come up with some of the most incredible automobile concepts and getting ready for the Summer Exclusive. If you first take down the high hats and pride and just admit that you need help. The teams are understanding that if you ask for help the door is open for advance opportunities. If more youth would take the time to ask for help them more cam gain the confidence by employers and  people in positions to move careers forward. It doesn't matter what you know. It doesn't matter what you can do. What matters is once you gain the basic understanding in any capacity it will potentially take you anywhere in the country. Furthermore, anywhere in corporate America.

Automobile Automation

Automobiles: An Universal Connection

Concrete Faith Illustrated (CFI) has discovered that using an automobile concept puts together a diversity of participants in our programs. Male and playing and female all agree that this makes an even exchange and playing ground. So maybe JUST maybe a challenge could be in the making for the next social media event. Remember that automobiles are easily identified by the audience because everyone can relate and understand the art to create it. It comes strictly from the imagination of the creator. In this graphic the entire piece is promoting the I Generation 2 program. The development was created by Nathan Smith
This project will be easier for all participants because all can relate and understand the functions of automobiles, luxury cars, or classic. This introduction is always a win because it will give awareness to a world of imagination to promote 21st Century Skills. The functions or the basic functions of an automobile then using creativity opens the door to imagination. The TERABYTE4 (Building Youth using Technology in Education) program is structured around the principles of education


We Rock. No More Complexity.

Keep It Simple. They Learn Faster

Concrete Faith Illustrated CFI brings it home with this one, Why teach our youth complex software and "no win" applications? Well, If we want them to learn fast and enjoy it we must change the traditional way of learning. Everyone is not the same and requires special attention to each portion of education. Some youth learn fast while others learn at a progressive rate, CFI knows this best by doing BETA testing among youth in Benton Harbor. They all agreed that is frustrating and time consuming to try to force education down their throats. This method will only cause them to throw it back up and remember it no more. But if you give them a piece of information and let it grow little by little, the result will grow into an intelligent experience. Now, they can apply and adapt to the software and instructional methods. 

Common Ground for All of God's Creation

We Can Bridge the Gap

Concrete Faith Illustrated has developed programs that help connect all of God's creation with interaction in team participation. Each team votes for the CEO, the financial officer, multimedia senior officer, and marketing specialist. Online you really do not know much about the next person because all are using Facebook accounts and Google accounts. The primary issue is to help other become stronger in areas they are weak in. The team develops a new concept to attack the task they are assigned to. To become diversified in the work place leads to a better working relationship with corporate co workers. Since the team is assembled they will continue to finish anything. The greatest thing is to watch  them trust each other even after they find out who they are REALLY working with and never miss a beat. Amen TERABYTE4!

Ironman Development Continues

Ironman Concept Continues

Ironman Graphics are being created for the development of the Summer Youth Exclusive Program which will launch by the end of the summer. The plan is to first revamp the website by our intern and volunteers then complete the entire project before the end of the summer. The key is the interest of our youth to participate with the understanding that they play a role in the development of the images. This is a first of several concepts that will be evaluated by CEO Nathan Smith of Concrete Faith Illustrated. The Youth Avengers continue to destroy convention thinking by creating ideas to build the graphics arts program at Concrete Faith Illustrated.

You have to watch the New Trailer!

The Summer Exclusive Trailer is Here! The Concrete Faith Illustrated TERABYTE4 program's special trailer for upcoming events. Enjoy!


How to clean your Windows registry

How to clean your Windows registry and speed up your PC A cluttered registry can slow Windows to a crawl

Editor’s note: This article was revisited in July 2016 to make sure all of the programs that were tested are still available, and they were all rerun on a modern, Windows 10 PC to verify compatibility.
Let’s start with a little quiz. I say, “Big, bloated, and full of errors.” What do you say? Right, “Windows Registry.” One more: “Messing with it is risky.” If you guessed the registry again, you pass. While fooling around with your Windows registry does involve some risk, cleaning it out can have a positive impact on your PC’s overall performance.
The Windows registry is a repository for a massive collection of details about your computer—where programs are stored, which helper programs (known as DLLs) are shared among your various applications, listings of all your Start menu shortcuts, and pointers to the programs that fire up when you click on an icon. And that’s just the beginning.
Practically everything you do in Windows is recorded in the registry. For instance, the URL for this article probably has an entry now, somewhere. The paths to the last dozen or so images or documents you opened are there, too, as are the details of the programs you have installed or uninstalled.
Here’s the problem: If you pry open the registry, you’ll find it about as cluttered as a teenager’s bedroom. That’s because Windows doesn’t efficiently clean up after itself as it goes about its daily business. It constantly creates new entries, but seldom—if ever—removes old entries after they’re no longer needed.
Compounding this problem is the fact that applications are usually too inept to uninstall all of the registry entries they create. Far too often, program updates and installers leave unneeded pointers in the registry, so the registry becomes bloated with unnecessary entries, slowing down your system.

Registry cleaners: Boon or boondoggle?

The big question we’re asking in this piece is whether a registry cleaner will indeed speed up your PC, making it boot more quickly and run faster. The answer is, emphatically and unequivocally, maybe. That’s right, a big, fat perhaps—because everything depends on the condition of your registry. It also depends on the effectiveness of the registry cleaner you choose, and there are a lot to choose from. 
To find out which registry cleaner catches the most errors, is the safest and easiest to use, and (just as important) creates the fewest hassles, we tested five popular registry cleaners, many of which came recommended by PCWorld readers. We examined two free products (Advanced Windows Care and RegSeeker) and three commercial ones (jv16 PowerTools, Registry First Aid, and RegSupreme Pro). 
We tried each tool on three computers: a messy work PC using Windows XP SP3, on a pristine Fujitsu Lifebook T-Series laptop running Vista, and on an old ThinkPad laptop.* We ran the registry scan and repair module of each application, rebooted the system, and watched for problems that would indicate that the “cleaning” process broke something. We also tried to determine whether the system seemed friskier post-cleanse. After each test, we restored the systems to their original state of disarray with Acronis TrueImage. (Read a review of Acronis True Image 2015 and download the demo.) 
Before we reveal the results, we offer some important tips to keep in mind before, during, and after your forays into the registry. Being prepared for what's involved and taking the proper precautions are critical to making this a successful undertaking. If you want to skip ahead to the results, you can click the entry for each program in the table of contents on the left.

Benton Harbor Youth Excited

Superhero Implementation Draws Teens To Technology 

Concrete Faith Illustrated (CFI) does the unthinkable to corporations by reaching out to the teen populations online! The traditional method is to do a survey and gain statics on various topics? No way! CFI used the social media giant Facebook to reach out to all the local youth to find out how to rally them. It comes to find out I was right. I did not know that so many youth will rather use "superhero identities" than be themselves as far as addressing issues online. I can understand why too. To protect themselves from cyberbullies and do not have to worry about peer pressure. It is more simple than complex. That's where CFI get to play a huge role. Our Youth Avengers is a volunteer group built by professionals, volunteers, youth, and civilians that want to help but would rather stay anonymous. So now you have both parties protecting their ID's but still getting the assigned task done. Now, youth that are consider nerds, geeks, cool kids, low income youth, and all of God's creation can request help via the online interchange that love the tech world.  The superhero implementation draws teens closer to the tech world and makes it easier to explore it. The Benton Harbor area youth are excited and await the start of the new program Terabyte4 has to offer.

Nerds Rock! Geeks Rock! Both Are Heroes!

Nerds are Cool and Geeks are Heroes

There is a particular category of people who seem to be the underdogs of our society. We must admit, though, that they really are the current fad, and popularity has shown an underlined fondness to them. These folks are the ones who get the last laugh, get the girl at the end, or end up being voted as prom queen in the movies. In many books, they save the world or create the cure to protect the existence of mankind. In reality, they often become popular entrepreneurs or the "brains" of various operations. In the past, the labels given to this crowd possibly included the terms: dork, dweeb, techie (Pronounced - tekkey), even egg-head or Einstein, and the ever most stated GEEK or NERD.
Nerds are so cool and Geeks are heroes!!! Yes, this is coming from a member of that specific populace. I may be biased in my opinion, but what else can I say? You see top rated TV shows are based upon the lives of these underappreciated and underestimated heroes of our society! At our Library, there is so much evidence to this fact. On DVD, we have Freaks and Geeks (the TV series which advanced the careers of stars James Franco and Seth Rogen). We also have seasons of The Big Bang Theory and CHUCK, the computer geek turned CIA agent. We cannot deny the coolness of these "seem to be" inferior persons, who in many cases have proven themselves to be extraordinary in a magnificent way. Our popular literature for Geek Culture includes: the NERDs book series by Michael Buckley, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and the currently popular Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Along with these titles, we have so much more!
Being labeled "Nerd" isn’t a bad thing. As I stated earlier, many nerds come out on top. What people address you as may affect you, but it’s what you do that defines you. In the MCPL Family, I will not say we are all nerds, I just know that our system could not function without them!


Youth Can Be Smart and Cool

Just be You! Do Not Down Yourself. You Are Special

Being smart in todays society is far extreme these days. People do not invest the technological educations of their children unless they hope on being a rocket scientist. I beg to differ! A young person that is interest in the tech world should automatically get an over the top welcome. To take it to the next level all youth should get a firm introduction into the tech world. So basically as the youth grow up in what is a COOL TERM Nerds or Geeks this is very special. The world evolves around technology so corporations are willing to invest in you at a young age. You do not need approval from peers BUT from peers that want to better your interest or have similar goals. You do not have to be someone else to win people or friends JUST BE YOU! I admit it will be tough until you find people with the same interest and you will. It will just take time. REAL friends will like you no matter what you are, what you look like, and what you like to do. You are already cool because you are expressing YOUR own personality. So join the groups that like you and look and talk like you. One more thing MAKE sure they are NERDS or GEEKS lol. Don't worry it will pay off in the end! 


Summer Exclusive Approved ByYouth

Youth Are Excited About The I Generation i4 Core Programs

By: Nathan Smith 

It is Phenomenal that Concrete Faith Illustrated has created an new sequence for our youth. As we know in the Benton Harbor area that youth that love computers are consider NERDS. They cannot really engage with the majority. So we have given this CORE group of intelligent youth access to a network they can feel comfortable in. Since some live in rural areas they only get to school and back because they parents cannot afford the transportation or works second shift. I personally have this experience for DECADES I have worked second shift. So we at CFI through our TERABYTE4 (Building Youth using Technology in Education) reached out on Facebook to see if they wanted a new operation to interact as well as provided cutting edge information. Where they will control and host the entire program! The only requirement is participation in the Youth Avengers volunteer program for 1 year or become part of the staff development for new or first timers.
Over 10,000 Facebook individuals support the call and support this new operations. So as the Summer Exclusive will TBA! ASAP!
Here is the facebook link that started the buzz online Summer Exclusive


Senior Initiative Program Operational


All three existing senior citizen homes are in need of major repairs. Concrete Faith Illustrated (CFI) has begun the process to repair, modify, renovate, rebuild, and beautify these existing structures. The plan is first get an evaluation on the floors in the homes. This is what the seniors see everyday and have to travel on the floor. It is a start and we are ready to tackle and tame the problems that await our maintenance.
Water damage under the sink so we will fix this problem first before we continue. I would like to thank all the volunteers via Youth Avengers for making this happen!concretefaithillustrated.com
Very appreciate for your hard work and determination to see the senior homes fixed!


Summer Program Exclusive

I Generation i4 Core Program is coming

Concrete Faith Illustrated has committed to our youth and senior citizens to provide cutting age programs as well as technology. This summer after meeting with several staff, board members, and youth Concrete Faith Illustrated (CFI) has decided to intensify our activity online and in social media. The presence we have is undeniable AND WE WANT TO REACH MORE in our local communities to those who do not have the resources. It is the plan of using TERABYTE4 as the platform as well as creating a new network to  present the information. Get ready because the series of I Generation i4 Core Program is coming soon!


Concrete Faith Illustrated Gives Back to Youth

Concrete Faith Illustrated (CFI) has once again destroyed traditional corporate logic. CFI is giving youth in Benton Harbor, Michigan an unprecedented opportunity in the worlds of graphics and education. By teaching how to use Adobe Software and 21st Century Skills gives youth an "upper hand" against stiff competition soon to come in the corporate atmosphere. "We have discovered that a student with both experiences has a 100% better chance to land a job in the technological field," stated by CEO Nathan Smith. This is ground breaking because Benton Harbor is not known for this type of activity, The I Generation Programs can give low income families and at risk youth the dreams of creating a career that can transfer into any occupation. I found out as I participated in the events is it gives the youth College Preparations and how to problem solve, critical thinking skills, and how to bring complex ideas into reality. To keep reaching out and giving the youth of Benton Harbor this gift is outstanding. You can find ALL THIS INCREDIBLE information by visiting the place of knowledge called TERABYTE4.


The CFI Youth Avengers Program called Home Renovation was created to assist low income and senior citizens with repairs in their home. Home Renovation has done a special service to more than 3 locations.  It is our goal and model to assist and impact an upgrade or repair to existing structures. However, Youth Avengers always provides immaculate work to make our senior citizens and low income families  happy with joy. Every job is taken in pride.

Concrete Faith Illustrated created this program to reach the senior citizens it  has devoted. This program will become available to low income families. Our programs are operation in Benton Harbor, Michigan.


Our mission is to revolutionize methods to strive to give at risk youth 21st Century educational resources at their fingertips to build successful productive and healthy financial citizens in society. TERAB.Y.T.E (BUILDING YOUTH using TECHNOLOGY in EDUCATION) was created by students working with and permission to apply for grants Concrete Faith Illustrated (CFI) after individuals and students while visiting their loved ones decided to create TERABYTE4. It is an organization created by CFI, dedicated, and committed to our low income families. 85% of youth in Benton Harbor, Michigan lack educational opportunities and due to the summer vacation have fallen behind for the upcoming school year or college preparations. We first build the self esteem to give them the understanding that life will get better after they gain confidence in themselves. Next,  how teens engage with their creative ideas, creative information, creative imagination using new technologies by incorporating 21st Century Skills. TERABYTE4 creates simple learning tools that enable teen designers and teen developers to share their creativity with the world. TERABYTE4 strengthening this mission by making it easier for teens to create, manage, and deliver their ideas and engage with information of all types — in print, on the web, in video, and across mobile devices. We believe in enabling powerful, effective, and meaningful digital experiences across multiple activities in the broad span of diverse youth we serve. 

is helping teens move the web forward and give teen web designers and teen developers the best tools and services in the world. We understand and help develop teens that lack 21st Century skills and a technical technology background by giving them confidence, security, trust and the ability to create virtually any career they want in education and careers in technology.

What is Concrete Faith illustrated?

Concrete Faith Illustrated(CFI), home for iconic brands such as Marvel Comics (Magneto, Ironman, The Avengers, Spiderman) and DC Comics (Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash), and everyday individuals , is the creative division charged with strategically integrating its content across our local communities and the world of social media. CFI can impact and provide valuable information for our youth by using social media.  The best idea ever was to use superheroes to protect the identities of those in need so they would not get embarrassed among peers. CFI works in concert with many key components to unleash its technological, educational, hospitable,  and low income home repairs across all media, including but not limited to film, television, consumer products, home entertainment and interactive online projects. Publishing thousands of articles, 21st Century Skills Classes and graphics each year, CFI is becoming one of the well known organizations with a core focus on at risk youth, low income families, single mothers, and senior citizens.

Concrete = To build and create dreams, visions, imaginations, and desires into the physical real world.
No longer just mere thoughts but now solidified ideas and concepts created tangible.  Low income housing repairs and construction projects

Faith = To believe in yourself to achieve anything in life

Illustrated = To create a foundation that shows, appears, demonstrates, and builds success

Concrete Faith Illustrated (CFI) was created by Nathan Smith in 2008 as a non profit organization. CFI has teamed up with The Ultimate Empire to provide services from 2006 – 2013. This collaboration has given local churches, businesses, and individuals the power of imagination. However, Mr. Smith then began to incorporate his gift of art to events as well.  Nathan has a superb artistic detailed drawing ability to perfection. CFI and the Ultimate Empire expanded to an immaculate reputation by targeting local community projects that need an entity to bring their visions and desires into reality.
The connection to the local communities came about by CFI adopting local streets and ministering to the citizens. Nathan  would draw cartoon characters for the children and even for the adult comic fans. An outstanding relationship with Genesis Outreach Development Inc. gave CFI experience in mentoring and life skills. Individuals and professionals began to seek CFI and the Ultimate Empire for private contracts.
No just longer thoughts or your heart’s desire. CFI and the Ultimate Empire could bring anything into existence.
Nathan in 2009 was introduced to James Tucker and Thore Zohlssoneck as the unit was volunteers at the local Benton Harbor Soup Kitchen. James and Thore agreed to create a corporation to build computers and install internet systems to reach our local communities.  Nathan had the experience to do “house calls” where he noticed several important factors. Low income homes and families suffered financially without the capabilities of repairing their homes. Senior citizens lacked a relationship with the computer world. Rural and urban single parents do not have the technology for the children attending school. Hundreds of at risk teens are falling behind in education due to the lack of resources.

Thethe three men decided to team up with this dilemma in our local communities. This was the foundation to merge CFI, The Ultimate Empire, and Jarvis Inc. into one non profit tax exempt organization. CFI was created now to serve as a Tax Exempt Organization to reach and help develop our local communities.

In June 2015 was the launch of the new programs called 12c (One To See Excellence). CFI made the correct modifications after evaluations and measurements of each program to achieve the highest quality provided to our participants. Therefore, CFI now has access to professionals to assist the 12c programs to full capacity. The 12c programs will provide an experience of a lifetime. It will reach and create a new avenue for social media participants to receive a personalized experience in our programs.