Nerds Rock! Geeks Rock! Both Are Heroes!

Nerds are Cool and Geeks are Heroes

There is a particular category of people who seem to be the underdogs of our society. We must admit, though, that they really are the current fad, and popularity has shown an underlined fondness to them. These folks are the ones who get the last laugh, get the girl at the end, or end up being voted as prom queen in the movies. In many books, they save the world or create the cure to protect the existence of mankind. In reality, they often become popular entrepreneurs or the "brains" of various operations. In the past, the labels given to this crowd possibly included the terms: dork, dweeb, techie (Pronounced - tekkey), even egg-head or Einstein, and the ever most stated GEEK or NERD.
Nerds are so cool and Geeks are heroes!!! Yes, this is coming from a member of that specific populace. I may be biased in my opinion, but what else can I say? You see top rated TV shows are based upon the lives of these underappreciated and underestimated heroes of our society! At our Library, there is so much evidence to this fact. On DVD, we have Freaks and Geeks (the TV series which advanced the careers of stars James Franco and Seth Rogen). We also have seasons of The Big Bang Theory and CHUCK, the computer geek turned CIA agent. We cannot deny the coolness of these "seem to be" inferior persons, who in many cases have proven themselves to be extraordinary in a magnificent way. Our popular literature for Geek Culture includes: the NERDs book series by Michael Buckley, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and the currently popular Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Along with these titles, we have so much more!
Being labeled "Nerd" isn’t a bad thing. As I stated earlier, many nerds come out on top. What people address you as may affect you, but it’s what you do that defines you. In the MCPL Family, I will not say we are all nerds, I just know that our system could not function without them!

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